Added a tracker widget and altered related widgets so that you can track your desired quest and have that show up in the top left corner of your screen.
The objectives would not show within the quest log and the quest objectives widgets, i used a wrong parent node, so i change that to the correct one and it now works.
I have updated the widgets and quest base actor to read updated objective progress and check or uncheck the quest log check box if the objective has been completed or not
I created a quest objective widget where you can see your objective and progress, and then implemented this widget onto the quest log and the quest giver widgets.
I added multiple widgets and edited current assets to create the quest log widget, it allows from quests to be added to the log and for the player to read the quest details and explore them.
I added an interact button into the default inputs to have an interact feature for our quest system, and also created an interact trace to be able to detect when the player is looking at an NPC in order to allow them to accept the quest